popid_programinfo="About CyberMotion 3D-Designer - The program information is covered here. "
popid_mailto="mailto:support@3d-designer.com - Choose this menu entry to start your \n\rstandard e-mail client with automatically filled in addressee.\n\r"
popid_3d_designer_com="www.3d-designer.com - Choose this menu entry to direct your \n\rinternet browser to the CyberMotion 3D-Designer homepage."
popid_info="Info - A dialog box appears, giving information about the \n\rnumber of objects and points used and still available."
popid_newproject="New - By choosing this menu entry, all objects in the memory are deleted \n\rand the settings for camera, background and illumination are reset to the \n\rinitial parameters, as found at the start of the program."
popid_showlastpicture="Show Last Rendered Picture/Animation - When the render window has been closed, \n\rminimized or lies under the main window you can easily open or bring it to the top \n\ragain by selecting this function. The content of the render window will be restored, \n\rso closing the render window will not delete a rendered picture or animation."
popid_quit_program="Quit - Leave program.\n\r "
popid_zoom_viewports="Zoom - You can readily switch between different scales by means of the \n\rzoom-selection box - which is located in the button bar directly above the \n\rdepiction windows - thus influencing the picture detail visible in the viewports. \n\rPreset is always 100%. You can, however, select any value between 1% \n\rand 4000%. The enlargement is only to ease work while moving, rotating \n\ror scaling objects in viewport windows. The settings for camera zoom are \n\rindependent of this scale value."
popid_box_depiction="Show as box - A dotted box is always drawn about objects you have selected that you \n\rwant to move, scale, or turn with the mouse. If, for example, you now want to move an \n\robject, then the object can be depicted in two ways during the action:\n\r1. Show as box (active)- If the menu-entry \"Show as box\" has been activated in the \"Edit\" \n\rmenu-strip, then only the dotted box is moved during the action. A re-draw of the complete \n\rscene is caused if you release the mouse-button.\n\r2. Show as box (not active)- If the menu-entry \"Show as box\" is not selected, each action \n\ris represented in real-time. That is, the scene is constantly updated and redrawn during \n\rthe action. \n\rIf you are working on a complex scene or your computer does not have the necessary \n\rperformance, you can use the \"Show as box\" mode. This saves unnecessary \"Picture \n\rcalculations\" and enables you to work more fluidly on complex scenes."
popid_shareware="Shareware programs are not free. \"Shareware\" is the accepted word, but \"Trialware\" \n\rwould be a better name for it. You are usually given a period of time to use and \n\revaluate the program to help you decide wether or not you wish to purchase the \n\rprogram. After you are done with the trial period, you must either pay for the program \n\r(often called registering) or remove it from your computer.\n\rPlease support the authors of good shareware programs (and their families) by paying \n\rthis and other shareware programs!"
popid_backtomainmenu="Back to Main Menu - This entry returns you to the main menu. Drawings that have \n\rnot yet been finalized are not lost. They are automatically drawn again as soon as \n\ryou return to the respective extrude/sweep editor."
popid_loadtemplate="Load Template - To load an object template into the program from a file, you must \n\rfirst delete any template that has already been started. Then choose the \"Load \n\rTemplate....\" entry. The file selection box appears and allows you to make your \n\rselection. The file suffix for object templates is \"TMP\"."
popid_savetemplate="Save template - If you have drawn a template that you may want to use again, \n\rchoose the \"Save Template...\" entry. The file selection box appears and in it \n\ryou can give your template an appropriate name. The file suffix for templates \n\ris \"TMP\". On confirmation, the file is saved and you can continue your work."